Mindful design solutions socially engage people with dementia

Dementia is associated with psychosocial and behavioural difficulties. European scientists designed mindful activities to improve the social interactions and quality of life for those living with dementia. People with dementia can have problems recognising and relating to other people; this poses a challenge for their social engagement and well-being. To improve their quality of life … [Read more…]

Last MinD visit: Celebrating the MinD collaboration and its achievements

The MinD project (March 2016-February 2020) has been dedicated to research, innovation and staff development with the aim to develop innovative design solutions to support people with early to mid-stage dementia with social engagement and quality of life. This two-week research visit (20 January-3 February 2020) was the last of about 40 such collaborative project … [Read more…]

MinD visit December 2019 to Luxembourg

2-16 December 2019: Presenting MinD designs at the EWGPWD This two-week secondment was the last of the MinD secondments to be hosted by Alzheimer Europe. It focussed on two important aspects of the project:  The first was drawing together the insights and results of the project for academic, public and policy audiences. This includes guidelines … [Read more…]

Mind Visits 21 October-4 November Deventer, NL, and 4-18 November 2019 Nottingham, UK

Now rapidly drawing to a close, this was the last secondment of the MinD project in the Netherlands while there will be a further secondment in the UK in January. In both secondments, colleagues focused on collating, publishing and sharing results.  In the Netherlands, Kristina from Manchester Metropolitan University focused on completing a chapter reporting … [Read more…]

19-20 September 2019: Mind International Conference

This secondment, which was hosted by Alexianer St Hedwig Hospital in Berlin and Technische Universität Dresden, was focused on the MinD international conference 2019. Under the motto “Designing with and for People with Dementia: Wellbeing, Empowerment and Happiness”, the conference represented a unique opportunity to share state-of-the-art work in this field as well as  to shape  future … [Read more…]

10 August 2019: Design evaluation in four countries

Now in its fourth and final year, the MinD project team is working on drawing together all the insights from this exciting research. During this secondment, which took place in the Netherlands during July, seven visiting colleagues spent two weeks hosted by their Dutch partners analysing and comparing findings from the design evaluations, improving parts … [Read more…]

17 May 2019: MinD conference, Design and policy guidelines, Analysing evaluation data

The fourth and final scheduled secondment to Luxembourg took place during May. The Luxembourg secondments have often been about taking stock, writing and planning. This meeting has followed on in that vein. During an extended fortnight, 13 people participated, including five colleagues from Alzheimer Europe. Two of our group, Vjera Holthoff and Rosa Almeida, gave … [Read more…]

21 May 2018: People with dementia, carers and MinD project members meet for the third time to work together

May 2018 has seen another MinD secondment in the UK. The University of Wolverhampton and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, UK, jointly hosted visiting researchers from Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Spain and Russia to work on the two MinD design ideas. During the two weeks, the designers and psychologist worked in two teams on design … [Read more…]