MinD academic publications
Ziebuhr, B., Zanasi, M., Bueno Aguado, Y., Losada Durán, R., Dening, T., Tournier, I., Niedderer, K., Diaz, A., Druschke, D., Almeida, R., et al. (2023) Living Well with Dementia: Feeling Empowered through Interaction with Their Social Environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(12):6080. Open Access
Niedderer, K., Holthoff-Detto, V., van Rompay, T.J.L., Karahanoğlu, A., Ludden, G.D.S., Almeida, R., Losada Durán, R., Bueno Aguado, Y., Lim, J.N.W., Smith, T., Harrison, D., Craven, M.P., Gosling, J., Orton, L. and Tournier, I. (2022). This is Me: Evaluation of a board game to promote social engagement, wellbeing and agency in people with dementia through mindful life-storytelling, Journal of Aging Studies, 60, Open Access
Lim, J.N.W., Niedderer, K., Tournier, I. et al. (2021). Assessing the generalisability of a multicentre qualitative dementia research: the experience and challenges faced by the MinD project in Europe [version 3; peer review: 2 approved] Open Research Europe, 1:64, Open Access
Fels, D., Blackler, A., and Niedderer, K. (2021), Does bouncy equal happy? Comparing user’s interpretations of emotions conveyed by one designed moving object based on the soma-semiotic framework, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 96, Open Access
Niedderer, K., Harrison, D., Gosling, J., Craven, M., Blackler, A., Losada, R. and Cid, T. (2020). Working with Experts with Experience: Charting co-production and co-design in the development of HCI based design. In Kenning, G. and Braenkert, R. (eds.) HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia, Springer, pp.303-320. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32835-1_19 Pre-print version
Niedderer, K., Woelfel, C., Ludden, G.D.S., & Cain, R. (eds.) (2019). Designing with and for People with Dementia: Wellbeing, Empowerment and Happiness.Proceedings of the International MinD Conference 2019. Dresden: MinD & TUD press.. Keynote Presentations & Proceedings
Lim, J.N.W., Almeida, R., Holthoff-Detto, V., Ludden, G.D.S., Smith, T., Niedderer, K. and the MinD Consortium (2019) What is Needed to Obtain Informed Consent and Monitor Capacity for a Successful Study involving People with Mild Dementia? Our experience in a multi-centre study. In K. Niedderer, G.D.S. Ludden, R. Cain and C Woelfel (eds.) Designing with and for People with Dementia: Wellbeing, Empowerment and Happiness.Proceedings of the International MinD Conference 2019. Dresden: MinD & TUD press. Open Access
Gosling, J., Craven, M.P., Dening, T., Coleston-Shields, D.M., Aberturas, A.G., Martin, S.G., Munos, M., Ruiz, G.B., Bueno, Y., Almeida, R., Catala, A., Diaz, M., Karahanoglu, A., Ludden, G.D.S., Smith, T., Niedderer, K., Lüneburg, L.-M., Tournier, I., Abrilahij, A, MinD consortium plus MinD Patient & Public Involvement group, Nottingham and Grupo de Expertos Por Experiencia, Valladolid (2019). The AIR model (Activities, Internal World, Relationships). A pragmatic framework for evaluating co-design. In K. Niedderer, G.D.S. Ludden, R. Cain and C Woelfel (eds.) Designing with and for People with Dementia: Wellbeing, Empowerment and Happiness.Proceedings of the International MinD Conference 2019. Dresden: MinD & TUD press. ISBN 978-3-95908-183-2 Open Access
Ludden, G. D. S. , van Rompay, T. J. L., Niedderer, K., & Tournier, I. (2019). Environmental design for dementia care – towards more meaningful experiences through design. Maturitas, 128, 10-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.maturitas.2019.06.011 Pre-print version
Niedderer, K., Tournier, I., Colesten-Shields, D., Craven, M., Gosling, J., Garde, J.A., Bosse, M., Salter, B., Griffioen, I. (2019). Designing with and for People with Dementia: Developing a Mindful Interdisciplinary Co-Design Methodology. In Muratovski, G. and Vogel, C. (eds.), Re:Research. Volume 4: Design and Living Well, Bristol, UK: Intellect, pp.147-168. ISBN: 978-1-78938-135-1 Pre-print version
Garde, J.A., Voort, M.C.v.d., Niedderer, K. (2018). Design Probes for people with dementia. Proceedings of DRS 2018 International Conference: Catalyst, 6, pp. 2607-2621. Open Access Proceedings.
Niedderer, K., Tournier, I., Colesten-Shields, D., Craven, M., Gosling, J., Garde, J.A., Bosse, M., Salter, B., Griffioen, I. (2017) Designing with and for People with Dementia: Developing a Mindful Interdisciplinary Co-Design Methodology. In: Proceedings of the IASDR international Conference 2017, Cincinnati, USA, 31 October-3 November 2017. doi:10.7945/C2G67F Open Access Proceedings
Almeida, R., Niedderer, K., et al. (2017). Design for the “here and now”: New co-creation approaches for innovation in health and care, involving older adults with cognitive impairment. Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Forum 2017, 2-4 October, Coimbra, Portugal. Poster and Flyer
Tournier, I. & Ferring, D. (2017). How the mindfulness concept could benefit the caregiving of older adults? International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) congress, San Francisco, July 23-27. Poster.
Tournier I, Ferring D, Almeida R, Blackler T, Casaldaliga P, Cid BT, Coleston-Shields D, Craven M, Dening T, Escobar G, Griffioen I, Gove D, Holthoff-Detto V, Lebis E, Ludden G, Notenboom E, Poppovich V, Wölfel C, Zanazi M, Niedderer K. (2016) The MinD European project: The development of a mindful design to improve self-empowerment and social engagement in people with dementia, 26th Alzheimer Europe Conference “Excellence in dementia research and care”, 31 October-2 November 2016, Copenhagen. Poster.
MinD events publications
International MinD conference, 19-20 September 2019. Keynote Presentations & Proceedings
3rd MinD Symposium, 20 November 2018. Presentation and workshop notes.
MinD Workshop on “Soft Evaluations”, 19 October 2017. Presentation and workshop notes.
2nd MinD Symposium, 6 July 2017. Presentation and workshop notes.
1st MinD Symposium, 7 December 2016. Presentation and workshop notes.
Other relevant publications by the project team:
Chadborn, N. H., Birt, L., Bosco, A., Brewster, C., Coleston-Shields, D., Craven, M., Claudio Di Lorito, C., Gosling J., Stanyon, M., Yates J. (2018) Researching together with members of the Centre for Dementia PPI group. International Perspectives on Evaluation of PPI in Research, Newcastle, 15th November 2018. Poster