WP4: Mindful design for personal social engagement


The objective of WP4 is to develop mindful design interventions for social engagement for people with dementia, carers and staff, based on opportunities and concepts identified in WPs 2 and 3.

O4.1: Generate tangible person-centred mindful design ideas to address how people with dementia can gain a sense of personal and social empowerment in identified situations.

O4.2: Develop interpretive model(s) underpinning the design development, e.g. for relating physiological and/or cognitive stimuli and behavioural or emotional responses.

O4.3: Identify and develop physical and technical requirements for the realisation of interventions, including suitable technologies and their application.

O4.4: Develop the appearance and user-interface for the identified design ideas using co-design, and integrate hard and software technologies as required for functional prototypes.

Description of Work

Based on the co-design strategies and design proposals developed in WPs 2 and 3, design and ICT experts of the consortium will work on developing concrete design solutions, their technological realisation, and the integration of that technology into appropriate artefacts.

Task 4.1: Tangible design solutions will be developed using standard design ideation processes as well as co-design processes in a both structured and iterative approach.

Task 4.2: Developing criteria for measuring and relating physiological and/or cognitive stimuli, behavioural or emotional responses, and technical solutions. While testing of technical parameters against functional requirements is relatively facile, interpreting results is subjective to the user and will require generalised learning algorithms to be improved through iterative testing (cf WP6).

Task 4.3: a) Integration of hardware and software required to meet the physical requirements of the technical solution; b) integration of sensed data into an algorithm that contextualises the data and reliably informs the user, learning from user feedback to improve performance.

Task 4.4: Integrating results from T4.1-4.3, T4.4 will develop a set of functional prototypes able to interact with users and surroundings, and ready for iterative user testing in WP6.