
The MinD project brings together 18 organisations from 8 countries, including nine universities, one healthcare policy partner, four healthcare partners, and four design/ICT partners.

University of Wolverhampton, UK (coordinator)
NHT logo Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

Read more about the team

 AE Alzheimer Europe ASBL, LU
 UL Université du Luxembourg, LU
 UT Universiteit Twente, NL
 ZSM Zorggroep Sint Maarten, NL
 panton Panton BV, NL
 TUD Technische Universitaet Dresden, DE
 alexianer_logo Alexianer St. Hedwig Kliniken Berlin GmbH, DE
Eurecat logo Fundació Eurecat, ES
 logo_base_color_CMYK+logo pich-aguilera Picharchitects, ES
 Intras logo Fundación INTRAS, ES
 QUT Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  DU IT srl, IT
  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES
 Heart shape made of small, blue, loosely-spaced circles. Blue text in capitals underneath: ITMO University ITMO University, RU
  Etic Lab, UK
  Manchester Metropolitan University, UK