The aim of WP1 is to facilitate the overall management of the project to guarantee the smooth running of the project and all its activities through seamless communication, including the contractual, legal, financial, administrative, technical and ethical parts of the project delivery.
O1.1: Provide for the sound coordination and overall management of the project;
O1.2: Facilitate the effective operation of the project and timely delivery of quality results by ensuring that all partners act in accordance with the work plan;
O1.3: Work towards a high cohesiveness of the research consortium;
O1.4: Respond to any unexpected developments, take corrective action and reduce risks.
Description of Work
The Project Leader (Prof Niedderer, UW), who will oversee the management of the project, will be assisted by WP leaders and will be in regular contact with National Agencies and the designated Project Officer concerning the progress of the project and the completion of the envisaged deliverables in a timely manner. The core management groups will meet regularly by Skype and twice yearly face-to-face to ensure a smooth administration.
Task 1.1: Maintenance of consortium agreement, and monitoring of compliance by beneficiaries with the obligations under the grant agreement, including legal, ethical, financial and administ.
Task 1.2: Administer the consortium financial contribution to beneficiaries in accordance with the grant agreement and decisions taken by the consortium, ensuring timely payments.
Task 1.3: Coordination and monitoring of work, performance progress and consistency with the Project Officer. Regular communication will ensure timely reporting and that all project partners are informed of developments, and of approaching deadlines of tasks and deliverables.
Task 1.4: Semi-annual, annual and final documentation of project progress. Reports summarising the activities of the on-going WPs will be issued every six months.
Task 1.5: Evaluation. Project management will, with the aid of the consortium, evaluate the project using established evaluation methods, considering also the input of main stakeholders.
Task 1.6: Digital Internal and External Platform. Communication platform for project consortium sharing (e.g. archive, online works, project resources, contacts) and public website to provide public access to the results of the project and its scientific and dissemination activities.