Semi-annual update March – August 2019
WP2 has supported the development of the evaluation guidance for the evaluation of the design prototypes with people with dementia. This was to ensure a suitable and inclusive approach to the evaluation, which ensures that participants are comfortable and are treated with respect so they can voice their views and feeling and make their voices heard.
Besides the input in this important final stage of the research, a draft set of policy recommendations has been formulated during the secondment in Luxembourg in May, supported by Alzheimer Europe with guidance and input. After consultation with colleagues in the consortium, revisions were made during a secondment in the Netherlands in July, and a visually enhanced version has been produced in Germany in September. The latter is to enable public consultation over the following months with relevant stakeholders and policy partners, following which a final version will be made available on the resources page of this site.
In addition, we have been working on publishing the insights on design and mindfulness, categories and applications in the dementia care context as well as mindfulness criteria and values, and once published, we will also make these publications available here.