Call for Special Conversation & Workshop Sessions
The two-day MinD 2019 conference programme will comprise three keynote speeches and two streams of mixed academic paper and design proposal presentations sessions. The special conversation and workshop sessions will complement the programme to explore opportunities and issues of designing with and for people with dementia. These sessions allow session organisers more freedom, space and time (90 minutes) to stage structured interactions and collaborative processes, and to use more unconventional and experimental session formats. We invite you to submit your proposal for a special conversation or workshop session.
The proposal must be submitted by 31 March 2019 through the ConfTool website
The proposal must be submitted using the MinD 2019 special sessions template, covering:
- Theme & Topic of the session: What are the practical or research problems/questions? Why is this relevant to the conference, to people and society?
- Session approach & Format: What will be the proposed format of the session? How will the problem be dealt with? Which approach will be applied or developed?
- Impact: What (kind of) results are expected? How will the contents and results of the session be documented* and published?
- People: Who will be leading the sessions, and who will be the contributors? Who else is invited to participate (prerequisites and maximum participant number)?
We welcome a broad engagement with the field and invite submissions from a diverse range of researchers and practitioners from the various design and health disciplines, including product and interior design, craft, information and communication technologies, architecture and the built environment, psychiatry, psychology, geriatrics and others who make a relevant contribution to the field.
Session topics may address, for example:
- Design approaches for the wellbeing/empowerment/happiness of elderly people
- Design approaches for the wellbeing/empowerment/happiness of people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia
- New design frameworks and approaches for wellbeing/empowerment/happiness
- Mindful design approaches for wellbeing/empowerment/happiness
- Collaboration between designers, technologists, health professionals and people with lived experience
- Data collection with and by people with MCI/dementia
- Co-design & co-creation with people with MCI/dementia
- Evaluation of design with people with lived experience
- Evaluation of the impact of design on people with lived experience
* There will be a simple form for documenting the session outcomes in order to publish them as part of the proceedings. However, we encourage session leads to consider and propose further ways of exploitation and dissemination of the session outcomes.