WP7: Training and Travel


The objective of WP7 is the co-ordination of the research exchange and training events, activities that support and are part of all other WPs 2-6, and 8.

O7.1: Co-ordination of staff exchange and training events.

O7.2: Co-ordination of training activities and tools.

O7.3: Summary and analysis of exchange and training activities and tools with regard to their impact and benefit on staff and research innovation.

Description of Work

Organisation and co-ordination of research exchange and training activities and tools to facilitate effective research, staff training, and understanding of their impact. All partners will participate in WP7 either through active exchange and/or as a host to facilitate the various activities planned.

Task 7.1: Staff exchange and training is key to this project. Co-ordination will work in two ‘axes’: interdisciplinary – between design, health, ICT; inter-sectoral – between academic and non-academic partners. Bringing together staff from different areas and with different approaches on this important topic will be a key aspect and catalyst for the proposed research innovation.

Task 7.2: Co-ordination of training activities and tools will maximise the benefit of staff exchange and training. Activities will comprise targeted events, e.g. workshops, focus groups, annual sym-posium with all partners, as well as open times for conducting joint research to gain experience of new working styles, tools and approaches in real life settings. Research tools, e.g. co-design methods, will be developed out of the synergy of interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral working.

Task 7.3: To assess the impact and benefit of the exchange and training activities on staff expertise and experience and on research innovation. Self-assessment questionnaires for staff and focus groups will be employed to collect relevant data and to analyse them.