The individual research and innovation activities, as delivered through the work packages, will proceed through short bursts of mainly two-weekly exchanges between project partners, delivered as a total of 36 ‘exchange blocks’ in which several partners meet to work together. There are four main reasons for this:
- To facilitate the multi-disciplinary nature of the project that draws on various different sets of knowledge to accomplish each task including design, health care and ICT input.
- To facilitate the iterative nature of the design process where design ideas are proposed and then developed and evaluated with users in an iterative cycle.
- The international comparative nature between healthcare delivery in the participating countries. We will conduct repeated data collection phases with end-users in the different countries during the data collection stage (WP3) as well as the implementation and testing stage (WP6) to facilitate the comparative nature of the project.
- Design research is still a young field, which does not have large numbers of early career researchers. The purpose therefore is for experienced researchers to collaborate through the exchange to build capacity for training ESRs in the future. However, ERs have regular work and personal/family commitments, making visits of longer durations impractical.