In September, The MinD team is working once more in Germany and in The Netherlands. Alexianer St Hedwig Hospital, Berlin, TU Dresden, U Twente, Zorggroep Sint Maarten and Panton Design are hosting researchers from the various partner countries and disciplines to work together.
Researchers are continuing to work on the realization of the prototypes of two designs, and on preparing for their evaluation. Conceptual development and programming are rapidly progressing for the Social Engagement Map, an interactive platform, which aims to help people with dementia to stay active and socially engaged. The team is also working on the refinement of the Good Life Kit, which aims to support people with dementia in approaching everyday life confidently. Key is the final improvement of the concept and translation into four languages (English, German, Dutch and Spanish). Dutch design students from the University of Twente, supported by partner Panton, are helping with the realization of the prototypes.
The initial framework for evaluation of the Good Life Kit and the Social Engagement Map with people with dementia, which was developed in Luxembourg in July, is being revisited. Healthcare partners from the four countries (UK, Germany, Netherlands, Spain) are shaping it to accommodate their local situations.