At the end of November The MinD team met in Spain, at INTRAS Foundation in Valladolid, to start discussing about evaluation framework for the prototypes of The Good Life Kit (GLK) and the Social Engagement Map (SEM).
Colleagues from Italy, Germany and UK worked with INTRAS Foundation partners to present MinD project at the International Conference “Application of mindfulness in the work with people affected by mental and neurological diseases” at Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC) in Valladolid, Tuesday 20th of November.
The first session was dedicated to “Be Mindful” European project about mindfulness techniques applied in the therapeutic interaction with patients living with mental distress and training program for social services and health professionals.
The second session was about MinD project with presentations from Kristina Niedderer, Michele Zanasi, Alessia Macchi, Julie Gosling and Binta Jameh. Raquel Losada and Rosa Almeida from INTRAS participated as chairpersons.
It was a great day, a very good experience of being working together so closely and in a supportive way. It was very nice to hear the experience from different perspectives – designers, researchers, professionals, students, potential users, and people with lived experience – in a common journey.
The best summary of the day in Binta’s words:
“Their point of views are slightly different however coming together, sharing those different views and experiences had made that everyone took something valuable with them.”
Then in the afternoon in INTRAS Foundation we run a fantastic PPI group, coordinated by Julie Gosling to start thinking how we can work together with users to evaluate GLK and SEM prototypes.
The group also made time for socializing with a lovely dinner in the city centre, enjoying our time together!